Bolesław Fabisiak PhD. MSc. Eng.
Ph.D. in technical sciences AD 1997 at Politechnika Szczecinska/ Technical University of Szczecin (former names - before 2009)
nowadays: West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland

Domestic academia experience:
  • 1.2.1987 - 30.9.1997: Assistant at Politechnika Szczecinska/ Szczecin University of Technology
  • 1.10.1997 - 30.9.2014: Adjunkt (lac. adiunctus, eng. adjunct, associate/ assistant professor) at Politechnika Szczecinska/ Szczecin University of Technology
  • 26.4.2016 - 29.11.2018: Adjunkt (lac. adiunctus, eng. adjunct, associate/ assistant professor) at West Pomeranian University of Technology
  • 30.11.2018 - 30.9.2019: starszy wykładowca (eng. senior lecturer) at West Pomeranian University of Technology: Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny
International academia experience:
Current position:
  • 1.10.2019 - till now (at least till Wednesday the 24th April 2024):
    adiunkt dydaktyczny (eng. teaching adjunct)
    at ZUT Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny - West Pomeranian University of Technology

  • Contact Address:
    Zachodniopomorski Universytet Technologiczny - West Pomeranian University of Technology
    Wydział Inżynerii Mechanicznej i Mechatroniki,
    Aleja Piastów 19, Room 318 A,
    70-410 SZCZECIN, Poland

  • Phone: +48 601 855756, e-mail:
Boleslaw Fabisiak and others - team avard winner, San Framcisco 2012
PhD Nomination, TU Szczecin, 1997

Boleslaw Fabisiak and others - Team Avard: Case Study: intellectual Property and Cyber Security Start-up Business, San Francisco, 2012
Team Award - Case Study:
Intellectual Property and Cyber Security
Start-up Business
San Francisco, California, USA, 2012

Places of interest:
Manufacturing Systems - Production Processes and Techniques
Manufacturing Systems - Automation, Integration, Data Transfer
  • Interconnection of manufacturing systems based on ISO-OSI model
  • Information interchange within and between manufacturing systems
  • Local and global data transfer in production systems based on TCP/IP and other protocols
  • Wired and Wireless data transfer in manufacturing systems
  • Using standard computer protocols, tools and methods for automation amd integration of production systems
  • Security of networked manufacturiung systems: rules and techniques
  • Monitoring of manufacturing systems using local and global networks
  • CNC/DNC Machine Tools and Robots: integration with production environment, data transfer from/to control units
Marketing and Management of Manufacturing Systems:
  • Using of MRP/ MRPII/ ERP systems based on APICS model
  • Methods of access to wide area networks to internet of small and medium manufacturing systems
  • Web presence and marketing of manufacturing systems: rules, methods & techniques,
  • Distributed information management in manufacturing systems,
  • Marketing of Manufacturing Systems: rules, methods & techniques,
Internet Marketing and Sale Systems
  • Using of mobile communication systems for distributed information management.
  • Processing of internet orders: possibilities and limits, technical and law aspects,

Recent and Current Projects:
  • Transmisja danych do/z obrabiarek CNC/DNC, ich integracja z systemami produkcyjnymi - Data transmission from/to CNC/DNC machine tools, integration with production systems, 1987-1989
  • Untersuchung von DNC-Schnittstellen für FFS-Systeme im Hinblick auf Datenübertragungssicherheit 1989-1990
  • Integration einer Fertigungszelle in den CIM-Prozess - Studienprojekt des Arbeitsbereiches Fertigungstechnik II an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg in Zusammenarbeit mit der IBM Deutschland (IBM Deutschland GmbH, München, Germany) 1991-1992

  • Zastosowanie standardowych protokolow, narzedzi i metod do komputerowego wspomagania zarzadzania systemami produkcyjnymi - Using standard computer protocols, tools and methods for computer aided management of production systems
  • Rozproszone monitorowanie wybranych elementow we wspomaganych komputerowo systemach produkcyjnych - Distributed monitoring of selected elements of computer aided management of manufacturing systems
  • Badanie zjawisk wystepujacych podczas transmisji danych pomiedzy systemami informatycznymi - Researching of events occoured while data transmissiom between computer systems
  • Bezpieczenstwo sieciowe informatycznych systemow wspomagania zarzadzania w systemach produkcyjnych - Network security of production management systems
  • Bezpieczenstwo informatyczno-techniczne zsieciowanych systemow wytworczych - Security of networked maufacturing systems: 2003
  • Bezpieczeństwo systemów technicznych

  • Neue Anforderungen, Konzepte, Produkte und Lösungen im Bereich Fertigungstechnik und Fertigungssysteme (project completed in July-August-September 2007 in cooperation with TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. Project supported by DAAD)

Current Projects:
Recent and Relevant publications:
  • Rall K., Wollnack J., Fabisiak B., López E.: "Integration einer Fertigungszelle in einer erweiterten DAE-Umgebung. "Dokumentation eines Studienprojektes des Arbeitsbereiches Fertigungstechnik II an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg in Zusammenarbeit mit der IBM Deutschland, IBM Deutschland GmbH, München, Germany, August 1992.
  • Gerlach D., Rall K., Fabisiak B.: "Integration einer Fertigungszelle in den CIM-Prozess". Fabrik 2000, Technologie Information Management, 10'92, Verlag Technik GmbH, Berlin/München, Germany, 1992, s. 463-465.
  • Zasada M., Fabisiak B.: "Integration einer Fertigungszelle mit Fertigungsplanunmgs- und Vorbereitungssystem" - International Workshop on Machine Dynamics and Production Automation, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland, 1995
  • Fabisiak B.: "Metodyka transferu danych technologicznych pomiędzy gniazdami obroóbkowymi a systemami nadrzędnymi - Methodes of data transfer between production work cells and supervisory management systems", Ph.D. Thesis, Politechnika Szczecińska - Technical University of Szczecin, Poland, Dec. 1996
  • Berczynski S., Fabisiak B.: "Transfer danych technologicznych pomiędzy gniazdami obróbkowymi a systemami nadrzędnymi - Data transfer between production work cells and supervisory management systems", Advances in Technology and Manufacturing, PAN - Polish Academy of Science, Poland, 1998
  • Publications

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